Rihanna, new photo of the baby bump on Instagram

D.she must be so proud of her baby bump, Rihanna, 33 years old, so much so that he doesn’t miss an opportunity to show it urbi et orbi. Just last week, at the end of January, walking around the Harlem neighborhood on a day of sleet, he was wandering with his partner, the rapper. A $ AP Rockywith the baby bump out and the fluorescent pink duvet completely open.

Rihanna, new photo from soon mom

But, today, the pop star released on his Instagram profile also another new photo, where also shows the baby bump to all his followers. And they are not exactly a few: they follow her, only on Instagram, as well 120 million people. In the image of her, Rihanna pulls up her sports shirt under her breasts to show her belly.

Look “down”, perhaps a little surprised at not being able to see her toes anymore! And the image is a concentrate of tendernessbecause it seems that the singer is only now becoming aware of hers increasingly evident state of pregnancy.

Rihanna and Prince Charles in November in Barbados: someone had already implied that the star was pregnant (The Sun / News Licensing)

Rihanna and Black history month

As a caption to the image, Rihanna wrote “Here’s how the gang (means her, the baby on the way and the boyfriend, ed) has reached the month of black history ». With these words the artist refers to Black history montha recurrence observed in the United States of America, Canada and the United Kingdom (where it is celebrated however in October) to celebrate the importance of people and events in the history of the African diaspora.

During this month they are organized events and initiatives to raise awareness on the history and life of the population black. The anniversary, however, is not shared by everyone, but it is often contested by the African American populations themselves.

For example, the Hollywood actor Morgan Freeman he wanted to depart by saying to not wanting “a month of black history. The history of blacks is American history, ”claiming that a month of dedicated events it would trivialize a situation which should last all year.

Rihanna, a parade of stars for the launch of the Savage X Fenty collection

Rihanna, a parade of stars for the launch of the Savage X Fenty collection

He no longer needs to hide

Returning to Rihanna, the star and rapper in early January had already been surprised by Coal, an elegant restaurant in New York, in Greenwich, as they asked to change tables to “have more space” for Riri. “Rihanna was clearly standing drinking only sparkling water»Declared a source a PageSix“And she was quietly stroking her baby bump“.

Lately, she hid her “status” – also thanks to the winter – underneath shapeless sweatshirts and duvets. Now, after this social image, he no longer needs to hide.



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