Riet had four sons in four years: ‘When my husband came home from the sailing, the household just got stuck’ | Inland

“All four of them are equally dear to me,” says Klaas Persoon (1937) at the table in the terraced house in Loosduinen. “When I came home from the freight shipping earlier, I sail two weeks on and one week off, I first frolic with my four sons on the carpet. That was a party! They were little fellows and I beat them with ease. Now look at those men of ours. Big, strong, all a family and also fond of boats. Some even have several boats. Except Ton, but he did make a nice book about it. We have eleven grandchildren and recently two great-grandchildren. Riet and I have been married for sixty years and still love each other dearly. At the beginning of our marriage we lived in a pipowagen. Even then there was already a shortage on the housing market.”
