Riding school Roden has to make way for plans Roden-Zuid

Manege De Hulhorst in Roden has to move so that the municipality of Noordenveld can build on the location on the Hullenweg. The Board of B and W proposes that.

The riding school has been talked about for a long time. The location for equestrian sports is very outdated and investments were delayed for a long time, because it was not certain what would happen to the riding school. In addition to plans for a move, the option to renovate at the current location was also seriously considered.

The council of Noordenveld is now making a decision and proposes to move the riding school. The mayor and aldermen prefer the corner of Hullenweg and Esweg, on the border of Roden and Nieuw-Roden.

The riding school must be given more space at that location and be able to erect a completely new building. Henk van Dijk is chairman of Mensinghe Driving and Driving Association and has been hoping for a new home for some time. He is happy that things now seem to be moving forward. “We are pleased with this statement from the council. We hope that the city council will agree to the proposal so that we can quickly continue with the preparations for construction.”

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