Riding school in Roden gets green light for much desired move

Riding school De Hulhorst in Roden can move to the Esweg. The municipality of Noordenveld has a total of 2.5 million euros left for the move.

This brings the total amount to about 4 million euros. A lot of money, the council also thinks. To recoup a ‘considerable part’ of the costs of the move, the council wants to build on the old location as soon as possible. A motion to that effect was passed tonight.

Councilor Tineke Nieboer (Lijst Groen Noordenveld) was already critical of the plans for the move two weeks ago. The extra costs of 8.5 tons – money that is included in increased construction costs – are particularly bothering her. That also happened tonight. “When I see how quickly money is made available for this while second-hand shop De Cirkel could not get money for a move, then I am surprised.”

The Circle had to move because of the renovation of the library and, according to volunteers from the store, it received no support from the municipality. De Cirkel has now moved under one roof with the Wereldwinkel in Roden.

The fact is that – despite questions from council members about the financial feasibility of the plan – the flag can go out at riding school De Hulhorst. The riding school is very outdated and with a view to animal welfare, a move in the short term is highly desirable.

Construction can start at the end of 2023 at the earliest.
