riding | Sami dispute over wonder stallion Totilas

In December 2020, the longtime dressage wonder stallion Totilas died of colic, but the owner Paul Schockemöhle continues to generate large income with the semen of the Dutch Warmblood. Now a lawsuit has broken out.

With the deep-frozen semen from Totilas, Schockemöhle still earned between 4,000 and 8,000 euros for a successful insemination even after the stallion’s death. An extremely lucrative business, in which Totilas’ previous owner Kees Visser, who collected ten million euros from Schockemöhle for the successful horse in 2010, now also wants to earn some money.

Visser is a report of “image” according to still in possession of 240 cans of horse semen from Totilas – enough for 1000 foals. However, Schockemöhle wants to prevent these cans from coming onto the market.

The 77-year-old entrepreneur is said to have obtained an injunction against the sale before the Oldenburg Higher Regional Court.

“It was agreed that he would have to give up all his seeds. I got 600 cans when I bought Totilas,” Schockemöhle quoted “Bild”. Visser, on the other hand, should dispute this statement and instead demand 3.5 million euros in damages for lost income.

In the Netherlands, Visser should therefore take action against Schockemöhle. “We have applied to have Mr. Schockemöhle testify under oath,” it says. According to its own statement, Europe’s largest horse dealer is “quite calm” about the legal dispute.

Under the saddle of Edward Gal, Totilas once broke all records at the 2009 European Championships, he became THE topic in equestrian sport. Totilas was the first horse to score over 90 percentage points in a Grand Prix Freestyle. In December he screwed the record to 92.30 percent. Only the sky seemed to be his limit. The duo led the Dutch team to team gold at the World Championships in Kentucky the following year and also triumphed in the individual.
