Ride for the Roses bike ride participant passed away | Inland

As a result of the accident, the organization has decided to cancel all planned festivities. ,,We still receive people with a rose, but the music is muted and we have canceled all other activities. That’s the least we can do. It puts a huge damper on the event,” said chairman Henk Remijnsen of the Delta Ride for the Roses.

Remijnsen says that the emergency services did what was possible for the participant. The chairman sees no relationship between the unwellness and the draft. “The unwellness could have happened yesterday or tomorrow, but as an organization you still feel responsible.”

Hundreds of cyclists got on their bikes this morning from the Zeelandhallen in Goes for the tour ride. For the first time in the history of the charity tour, the cyclists will ride the 120 kilometer long tour from the Bevelanden through the Westerscheldetunnel. The proceeds of the Delta Ride for the Roses go to the fight against cancer. The tour was canceled for two years because of corona.

Chairman Henk Remijnsen spoke in advance of an event with a smile and a tear. “Everyone who participates knows someone with cancer in the immediate vicinity or in the family and then you can shed a tear, but at the same time we celebrate life. You know what we cycle for.”
