Rico Verhoeven scares the hell out of people in Madame Tussauds

That people prefer to walk around the block when they see the figure of Rico Verhoeven in a dark alley: we can well imagine that. But the kickboxer can also be mercilessly frightening in a museum. That became clear on Saturday, when he scared visitors to Madame Tussauds from Amsterdam.

Profile photo of Joris van Duin

Verhoeven allowed himself to be fooled by an April Fool’s joke RTL Boulevard face painting into a (living) wax statue.

He tried to remain as still as possible in the wax museum so that he could occasionally startle visitors. Verhoeven did this by ‘suddenly’ coming to life and sometimes approaching people. The top athlete was made up like the character Matteo Donner he plays in the movie Black Lotus.

“I like a bit of craziness.”

The images show how Verhoeven gives some visitors to the museum a strong fright. Others do understand the actor and see that it concerns the real Verhoeven.

“Of course it is April 1 and I like a bit of craziness,” says 33-year-old Rico from Halsteren about the action. Afterwards, the kickboxer looks back on his successful joke with a smile. “I really laughed, I can stand there for three hours. I was just having fun with myself, it was really fun.”

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