Ricky Martin was placed under a restraining order

Ricky Martin denies the allegations.

Ricky Martin was placed under a restraining order. PDO

Vocalist Ricky Martin has been ordered to have a restraining order in Puerto Rico, reports news agency AP.

According to the news agency, authorities tried to serve a restraining order on Martin’s home in the city of Dorado, Puerto Rico, but Martin could not be reached.

According to the Puerto Rican newspaper El Vocero, Martin and the other party dated for seven months and broke up two months ago. According to the person who applied for the restraining order, Martin did not accept the separation and stayed near the home of the person concerned several times.

According to the magazine, the ex-partner was afraid for his safety.

The restraining order prevents Martin from contacting the person concerned. The court will decide later whether the restraining order will remain in effect. According to the police, a restraining order is usually imposed for at least a month.

The singer’s representatives have denied the accusations. They described the allegations as false and fabricated.

– We are sure that when the truth comes out, our client Ricky Martin will be proven completely innocent, commented the representative.

Martin is married By Jwan Yousef with. The couple has four children who were brought into the world with the help of surrogates.
