Rick wanted to pole dance with his hand in a cast, but now he also breaks his foot

Just a few days before they were to participate in the World Pole Dancing Championships in Poland, it is over for Rick van Alebeek from Sint-Michielsgestel and Timo Schepens from Rosmalen. The duo was supposed to climb the pole together this weekend, but Rick broke his foot before the first act. And that while he would already participate with one hand in a plaster cast.

Something went wrong while testing the piles. Rick slipped during the preparations and hit his foot against a pole. Now not only is his hand in a cast, but also his foot. “I really think it’s a shame and it sucks for Timo,” he responds. After the slide, the pole dancer had to go to the hospital in Poland. “Luckily I had an interpreter with me.”

Rick broke his hand a few weeks before the World Cup. But that didn’t stop him. He practiced a little extra and climbed the pole again with his plaster hand.

The men would participate this weekend in the duos category. They would climb the pole together and even do somersaults off each other’s backs. Unfortunately, that is no longer possible. “Now we are going to train for the next World Cup,” says Rick.

The hope is now pinned on other pole dancers from our province. Another 29 Dutch people are participating, almost half of whom come from Brabant. In total, more than five hundred athletes from forty countries are participating this year. The tournament is from October 25 to 29.

READ ALSO: If Linda ever got married, she wanted to learn pole dancing, now she is at the National Championships
