Richemont fills management positions and establishes beauty division

Richemont turns the personnel wheel and establishes its own beauty division, the “Laboratoire de Haute Parfumerie et Beauté”.

The Swiss luxury group Compagnie Financière Richemont SA has appointed Swen Grundmann and Boet Brinkgreve to its Senior Executive Committee (SEC).

Grundmann will join the SEC in his new role as Director of Corporate Affairs. Brinkgreve, meanwhile, has been appointed to the newly created role of CEO of the company’s new beauty division “Laboratoire de Haute Parfumerie et Beauté” and will therefore also join the committee, Richemont announced on Wednesday. Both report in their roles to the group’s chairman, Johann Rupert.

Richemont’s new Director of Corporate Affairs joined the company as legal advisor in 1996 and was eventually appointed Group Company Secretary in 2017. Over the years, Grundmann has been responsible for the corporate affairs of the group and its subsidiaries and has also been involved in various merger and acquisition projects, according to the statement.

A new beauty division for the company

Brinkgreve, who took up his newly created position as managing director of the cosmetics division on September 1st, is moving from the perfume company DSM-Firmenich AG to Richemont. He has held various management positions there since 2007.

“Boet will set up and lead our new Laboratoire de Haute Parfumerie et Beauté to enable our six houses already active in perfumery to achieve critical mass in this highly competitive field where scale matters,” said Rupert. “In partnership with the brands and respecting their unique positioning in the high-end space, the platform will leverage the resources of all brands to develop the most sophisticated creations and promising licenses.”

A day earlier, Richemont also announced the nomination of former finance chief Gary Saage to the group’s board of directors and audit committee.
