Ribera asks the parties for help to design his plan against the energy crisis

The Vice President and Minister for the Ecological Transition, Theresa Riveraand the Minister of the Presidency, Relations with Parliament and Democratic Memory, Felix Bolanoshave met this Thursday with the representatives of parliamentary groups within the meetings with different institutions to collect proposals to craft the future contingency plan with which Spain plans to deal with the energy crisis.

According to sources at the meeting, attended by representatives of all political parties of the parliamentary arch except for Vox, during the appointment There was no talk of specific measures or the price of electricity, but a description of the situation was made and the idea that Spain should not be so affected by the crisis like other European countries, according to sources present at the meeting.

In the absence of knowing the details, according to Executive sources, the Spanish plan will deal with three axes: saving and efficiency measuresformulas for reduce or replace gas with other fuels –At this point, the room for maneuver in Spain is reduced because the coal plants in Spain are closed or in the process of being closed and neither the electricity companies that own the plants nor the Executive intend to increase their useful life, if well, REE has been commissioned to assess whether it is necessary to delay the closure of As Pontes in Coruña– and solidarity measures between the different Member States.

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The starting point for all this will be the Emergency Plan for the Spanish Gas System which already establishes action scenarios in cases of Serious gas supply problem. Among them, it enables the interruption of the gas supply with the exception of domestic consumers and essential services such as health centers and hospitals, kindergartens and compulsory schools, asylums and residences, institutions linked to national defense (firefighters, police, etc.) , means of public transport that use gas, museums and libraries.

Ribera and Bolaños summoned the political representatives to a new meeting, once the European Commission presents its contingency plan this Wednesday (“Save gas for a safe winter”) and after the celebration on the 26th of this month of a extraordinary meeting of energy ministers in Brussels.
