Ria Kataja tells about childhood money worries

Ria Kataja was a child of the Depression.

Ria Kataja is a long-time freelance actress. Inca

Actress Ria Kataja talks about her childhood family’s financial difficulties We women in a recent interview with the magazine.

Kataja, 46, has learned to be thrifty, because money was scarce in her childhood. His father’s company went bankrupt during the recession of the 1980s. However, Kataja feels that she got everything she needed as a child.

– My now deceased parents lived as if there was money, even though there wasn’t. I saw their concern, but we didn’t talk about it out loud. Maybe they didn’t want to worry me, he says.

The only time the money worries became concrete was when the bailiffs came to visit. Eight-year-old Kataja opened the door for them and they took out the family couches. The girl started to cry, because she had a birthday party coming up, where all her friends from school had been invited.

– I sensed my parents’ distress and shame, and somehow my mother got new couches for my party, Kataja recalls.

In an interview focusing on spending money, the actor says that he actively saves and collects child benefits for his children as a nest egg for a driver’s license and a first home.

– A similar account was opened for me when I was a child, but I didn’t get the money. I think my mother had to use them for our financial difficulties, he says.

Juniper is known, for example, from the film Black Ice and the Fire in the Sky series. He is also a sauna therapist, laughter therapist, chord bath instructor and reiki therapist.
