Rhythmic gymnastics athletes report abuse

S.last year the first complaint, then a second and then a third. Rhythmic gymnastics athletes increase who declare of having suffered psychological abuse by some technicians within the federal center ofDesio Academy.

Rhythmic gymnastics athletes report psychological abuse

And, in fact, after the stones thrown by Nina Corradini and Anna Bastaalso comes the denunciation of the former world champion Giulia Galtarossa.

The first revelations are a few days ago, when, during an interview, the former athlete Nina Corradini revealed why had decided to abandon rhythmic gymnastics. A shocking confession that immediately stirred the Federgymnastics waters.

The number of gymnasts who report psychological abuse is increasing. The first was Nina Corradini

The weight: a nightmare to be respected by all means

Too many psychological pressures related to constant control of his weight which led her to have problems with food disorders to remain within the established weight limits, in order to put an end to the continuous verbal humiliations to which she was subjected.

The day after Corradini’s words, another former athlete, Anna Basta, denounced the harassment sufferedwho posted a photo on social media with a clear and direct message: «Now Nina and I want shout to the world all the rotten we have seen, and we want to do it for all those people, big and small, who feel alone and with no way out. Nina and I want to say enough to pain, to terror. Nina and I want to raise our heads even for those who no longer have strength, because we were in the same situation as those who cannot move now. Nina and I have hit rock bottom. “

Giulia Galtarossa: “They called me pig”

Today, together with the two athletes, she also joined the former world champion of rhythmic gymnastics Giulia Galtarossaconfirming the words said by her colleagues: «I was forced to undress in front of everyone, they called me piglet. M.i have parked in front of the companions lined up as a jury, making me mock. The experience at the Academy of Desio ruined my life“.

A brutal confession that tells of a nightmare, lived every day to be able to pursue their passion. Such suffering for Galtarossa that at one point she begged the coaches to send her away.

«But they leveraged my sense of guilt, making me weigh the fact that the Federation had made investments in me. They brainwashed me. For a long time I thought it was my fault and I really believed I was fat and ugly. My only fault, however, is having remained silent until today“.

The accusations come straight to the Ministry of Sport

Accusations of no small importance that have shaken the sporting environment of gymnastics and that have reached the table of the Minister for Sport and Youth, Andrea Abodi. Who reiterated that the facts must be dealt with promptly and transparently. And that everything that emerges will be evaluated.

On the question, however, is also at work Federal prosecutor and the Safeguarding Officerthe structure activated a few months ago to prevent and deal with cases of harassment and abuse, both psychological and physical.

She also intervened on the complaints Emanuela Maccarani, for decades technical director of the National Rhythm, the head of the Academy of Desio.

I listen to the athletes and the technical director must also listen to them, who lives with them for 300 days a year. Athletes don’t have an easy life, they probably came out of it things that they shouldn’t have been done but we are here to correct them“.

