Review: Tom Liwa :: Another time

It’s hard to find words for the lyrical beauty that surrounds this album like a shimmering aura. Tom Liwa is attempting two things here: one, pouring into individual songs the journey to memory points of an unknown narrator, who could be himself or someone else; on the other hand, to leave one’s own gender again and again and to gain a new perspective on life with and through this change.

14 wonderful songs are turned into individual stories on ANOTHER TIME, which are served up on a silver platter like pieces of the life cake of someone we don’t know. We just have to grab it and enjoy it. This record is both a gift and an offer. With casual self-confidence, Liwa spreads out a tapestry of blues, folk and country that is already threadbare
is, but offers enough space for the storyteller who, quite often in a Dylanesque way, tells of love and life, of failure and hope, over and above melody and rhythm.

This record is both a gift and an offer

He calls his band Marion van der Beeks Seven Sisters, with whom he recorded the album and will perform it live. “The band of the woman I might be if my parents had had a girl,” Liwa says in the record’s info text. You want to breathe a sigh of relief at the openness with which gender roles are questioned here, in contrast to so-called song poets of our day. Gentleness and empathy characterize this album.

Liwa is supported vocally by the great Katharina Kollmann aka Non-Seattle, who gives the last track “April Scythe” an additional color. In “Agnes” it says: “Like spines of books stood our memories like friends and enemies at the same time”. ANOTHER TIME is an autumn record that thinks about spring.

Author: Rebecca Spilker


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