Review: Loyle Carner :: Hugo

“I fear the color of my skin”: success, influence, attention, that’s all well and good, but as a black Brit, can you really feel free in a society shaped by racism, injustice and hatred? Loyle Carner is anything but sure: HUGO, his third album after the acclaimed YESTERDAY’S GONE and NOT WAVING, BUT DROWNING, descends deep into the archive of his own feelings, memories and experiences, to where the pain lies, the insecurity, the wounds of growing up remote, with ADHD and dyslexia in south south London.

? Buy HUGO at

In songs like “Hate” he explores the origins of the hatred that he encountered in his life, connecting the personal with the social. The catharsis of this Stream of Consciousness spills over to the listener almost physically, overwhelming and at the same time liberating like a wave that washes over us all.

Musically, Carner, whose stage name is a pun on his real name Benjamin Gerard Coyle-Larner, combines the lyrics with productions from artists like Kelela, samples from poems and speeches like Guyanese poet John Agard or British activist Athian Akec and many jazz elements into a driving, history-conscious but never nostalgic work of art. In order to liberate one’s own community, society, one must first liberate oneself. Loyle Carner is on the right track there.


LA Salami :: Ottoline

The Londoner searches for love in dreamscapes between folk and blues.

The Düsseldorfof Düsterboys :: Duo Duo

The non-Düsseldorfer with not-just-dark showpieces that embrace folk, psychedelic and even Latin.

Shygirl :: Nymph

Huh and hot, in and out: This not at all shy girl pops rhythmically to immaculately produced post-bass music.


Loyle Carner in video interview: “I don’t separate between rap and poetry”

The British rapper tells, among other things, why the search for his own identity resulted in anger and what influence fatherhood has on his music.

Aitch in an interview: “You can’t get everyone to like you”

The 22-year-old rapper is currently one of the great hopes of the British hip-hop scene. It is currently dominating the charts there, selling at platinum level and dominating for the Brit Award. MUSIKEXPRESS caught up with the musician for a video interview to talk to him about his hometown of Manchester, his approach to success, working with Ed Sheeran and his debut album CLOSE TO HOME.

Loyle Carner: New single, album announcement and live gig at the Reeperbahn Festival

Loyle Carner presents the third single “Nobody Knows (Ladas Road)” from his forthcoming album HUGO.




