Review: Kapa Tult :: IT DOESN’T TASTE

Power pop including rock freak, where fun and feminism embrace.

Total relief always sets in when the text is written in such a way that the focus is not on megalomania and the theft of ideas from role models from the distant past, but on courageously looking at oneself. You have to get it right first: to communicate self-doubt and self-reflection without a whine, but with power and humor. Kapa Tult (3 women, 1 man) can do that. And how. On their debut, the Leipzig band confidently rushes over everything that has been built up in the German-speaking music landscape in recent years in terms of feminist mood poetry.

If you have an annoyed 18-year-old laying around in your apartment, buy this album

Finally, clear announcements are being made, people are looking closely and honestly at what is really there and lying around in the lives of women between 20 and 30. Toxic relationships with assholes (“Please, Please, Please”), ambiguous enthusiasm about certain talents of the ex friend (“Leck mich”) or great platonic relationships that work (“I have a friend I know from a party”) – everything is described and negotiated using punk and pop means.

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And yes, both come together organically here and are carried by excellent choir and solo singing. Confident and insanely funny. Even the great depression piece “People (who are doing well)” invites you to smile and sway. If you have an annoyed 18-year-old laying around in your apartment, buy this album. Then it works again!

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