Review: Jamie T :: The Theory Of Whatever

It wasn’t writer’s block that forced Jamie T to take a six-year hiatus. A good 180 songs were created after the release of TRICK alone: ​​At first he wasn’t really happy with any of them. The initial spark lay in the already dusty “The Old Style Raiders”, a compelling indie rock anthem that seeps into your brain with a message against teenage fear: fight to find something in life that really means something to you.


Fortunately, Jamie T has a lot to offer here that goes beyond pedagogically valuable advice. The casually spat out exuberance of the early child prodigy years may have gotten under the wheels over the course of time – which is also audible when it is heard, for example, in the melancholic “St. George Wharf” with which the Blues has to deal.

Instead, there’s a zest for quoting, ranging from the nailed New Order bass in ’90’s Cars’ to the recycled misfits in ‘British Hell’ to the darkly brazzing Stranger Things synths in the famous gangsta pastiche ‘Keying Lamborghinis” is enough. Well matured, the good one.


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