Review: Grandaddy :: BLU WAV

The soft pop Americana sky is full of pedal steel guitars.

No, Grandaddy Jason Lytle hasn’t recorded an official country record here, but the pedal steel guitar plays a prominent role on BLU WAV. It colors the sky above these songs in the most beautiful shades of gray and blue, it sparks between the voice and creates a lot of space. So that we get lost between the sounds, between the places that only exist in the great sound oases of Americana.


At one point, Lytle performs a heavily melancholic, orchestral drone called “You’re Going To Be Fine And I’m Going To Hell,” and he sings this line with an incredibly well-rested Sunday voice that can only be possessed by someone who has already proven to have four lives as a singer/songwriter, solo pianist, collaborator and band reviver.

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Lytle also comes around the corner with a post-breakup ballad and the “Jukebox App” knows the saddest songs that make you feel good. Or just the right sound. Lytle was on the road for a long time, a mountain biker between the hills and the deserts, also in a figurative sense, the places found their music on BLU WAV. The coyotes can be heard in the piano interlude “Yeehaw Ai In The Year 2025”, and the noise and rock content is almost zero.

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