REVIEW. ‘Forget Barbara’ contains a bit too much pipi-and-kaka humor but scores high as a tribute to Will Tura | Showbiz

ShowbizJukebox musicals in which the repertoire of a popular artist is poured into a tasty story are a proven recipe for success. “Mamma Mia!” proved it with Abba hits, ‘We will rock you’ with Queen songs and ‘Domino’ in 2012 with Clouseau sing-alongs. The intention to use Will Tura’s successes as a soundtrack in a musical therefore seemed like a cat in the bakkie. Although there was some restraint beforehand due to the title. The emperor of Flemish song scored many number 1 hits in his 65-year career, but ‘Vergeet Barbara’ was not one of them. The song was in the Ultratop for 10 weeks in 1984, but only with fourteenth place as the highest listing.

Hans Luyten

12-12-22, 06:20
