Review: Fatoni :: WONDERFUL WORLD

Self-ironic daredevil rap with a thoughtful touch. Or the other way around?

Fatoni takes us into his WONDERFUL WORLD. A world full of pop culture references, 90s nostalgia and self-mockery. Almost everyone is invited. Only the own former self, pop rapper and bourgeois bores who always knew what they wanted from life (house, dog, hi-fi system) are not so welcome at Fatoni.


The latter are highly suspect to the self-proclaimed “king of doubters” because of their straightforward CVs, as he unequivocally makes clear together with Tristan Brusch on the wonderfully resigned pop song “Du Waitst”. After listening to the thirteen other album songs, one realizes: Not only in his life, but also musically, making decisions is obviously not one of Fatoni’s supreme disciplines. He doesn’t commit himself either to the sound or to the question of whether he’d rather be the sensitive, melancholic outsider or the ironic, cynical daredevil.

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On WUNDERBARE WELT they sing to campfire guitar chords (“My young self”), fool around on electronic mess beats at a prepubertal level (“Dumm”), sometimes tell a very leisurely autobiographical story (“Taxi to therapy”) and also often rapped. Precisely because Fatoni is musically so versatile, convinces with an enormous range of flow variants and the production is so high-quality, one wishes that he had opted for more structure and fewer silliness when designing the album. But that’s the thing about making decisions for him.

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