Review: Carla Dal Forno :: Come Around

The Australian Carla Dal Forno has presented semi-electronic anything-goes music between pop and avant-garde on two albums and several EPs, most recently in 2019 with the album LOOK UP SHARP. Their music was typical of the diversified non-guitar underground of the 10’s. What the artist is now doing on COME AROUND she had already hinted at on her last album: turning to more pop while reducing the music at the same time.


The bass is the main instrument on COME AROUND, around which the other instruments set pointillistic accents. This half-dark minimal pop thrives on the width and the (reverb) space, there are no frills here, no excess. In this way, an album was created that conveys a uniform sound aesthetic from the first to the last second, including the cover version of “The Garden Of Earthly Delights” by the experimental band The United States Of America.

Carla Dal Forno has lived in London and Berlin for the past ten years, now she has moved back to Australia, to Castlemaine, a town of 8,000. COME AROUND also talks about this, about topics such as home, insomnia and personal confusion, which Carla Dal Forno deals with in a dream-pop voice that fades away.


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