Review: Anna B Savage :: in|FLUX

It’s breathy verses for eternity that Anna B Savage serves us here when she picks up on a famous Smiths song in the title track of her new album IN|FLUX. “Last night I dreamt / We were one / We had sex / I didn’t cum,” sings the London artist in a solemn vocal style over electronically scurrying beats, only to soon realize that she’s doing much better on her own as with a partner: “I want to be alone, I’m happy on my own, believe me.”

? Buy IN|FLUX from

IN|FLUX is about sexuality, touching and desire, not only in “Pavlov’s Dog” or “Touch Me”. One also notices that the work was created in a phase of self-discovery. When you listen to this fantastic album, you don’t doubt for a second that this process was successful.

The vocals are reminiscent of PJ Harvey or Anohni, while the saxophone and clarinet playing give the music a jazzy touch. Otherwise, the quiet pop or folk song, carried by guitar and keyboard, reigns supreme, leading us deep into the world of feelings and thoughts of a young woman who has a lot to tell.


Samia :: Honey

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Frankie Cosmos :: Inner World Peace

The New York band’s Pandemic album mixes indie pop with drones and folk sounds.

Tim Burgess :: Typical Music

Anyone who thought nerdy indie pop had been told a story will learn something new here.


Shout Out Louds Share New Single “High As A Kite” (Video & Stream)

For singer Adam Olenius, “High As A Kite” is “a hazy dreamy stroll down a familiar street. Stumbling over self-doubt, filled with the melancholy joy of being alive – and on the verge of this pub where nobody knows your name.”

Confused anecdotes of the blond sisters Nina and Lotta Kummer: This is how we find the podcast “You have to have been there”

“You have to have been there” sees itself as a guide podcast that has stories ready that you can simply drop into the silence. But is it that easy?

Anna B Savage Announces Debut Album & Shares New Song

The newcomer from London recently shared the songs “Chelsea Hotel #3” and “Dead Pursuits”. It is now clear that these will also be on their debut album A COMMON TURN, which will be released on January 29th, 2021.




