Revenge for Finland’s border decision – A Russian hacker group blacked out websites and the eye of the beholder

The hacker group says the attack was revenge for Finland’s ban on the entry of Russian cars last week.

The Russian hacker group NoName 057(16) announced that it had carried out an online attack against four Finnish websites on Monday.

The group says they attacked the “Finnish transport sector” and says they carried out a denial-of-service attack against the websites of Traficom, ExpressBus, VR and Risteilyt Saimaalla.

– Since September 16, Finland has prevented the entry of cars with Russian license plates “as a show of solidarity towards the Baltic countries”. Finns, remember that cooperation with NATO is never a profitable solution and always leads to inevitable losses, the group wrote on his Telegram channel.

Later on Monday, the hacker group took note of Traficom’s apologies in X for the denial of service attack.

– The administrators of the Traficom website, the transport agency, apologize for their non-functioning website today due to our attack, the hackers wrote.

They added a happy winking emoji.

The same Russian hacker group previously attacked Traficom in September.

Finland decided to ban Russian cars from entering the country on Friday. The decision is based on the interpretation recommendation made by the EU Commission a little over a week ago. With these actions, the Commission aims to prevent the evasion of sanctions against Russia.

Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania made a similar decision earlier last week.
