Retro Sur Mer puts vintage on display in Wenduine

Retro Sur Mer puts vintage on display in Wenduine

From the iconic Volkswagen van to an amiable politician to the classic American, stretched oldtimer. Tourists, residents and festival goers could feast their eyes on the dike of Wenduine. Anyone who got out of the car was sometimes just as noticeable as the museum piece itself. Men in suspenders and with a maintenance-intensive mustache or beard crossed women in high heels and with their hair up in the seaside resort.

Old and warm party

Although the cars were stationary, the owners or other retro enthusiasts swung to the tunes of music from the 50s and 60s. Organizer Benny Blue warmed up the audience as ‘crooner’, the term for singers who used to perform work by Frank Sinatra in casinos. . With a frontman who had inherited some of Elvis Presley’s charisma, and his haircut, the northern French ‘The Spunnyboys’ set the scene up later in the evening.

With the playlist in the background, the beauticians from Beauty Boudoir and barber Tom took care of the appearance of the female and male guests by the sea respectively. Mister Retro Sur Mer, Etienne, had already proven that he had the best taste among vintage fans. Are 20stecentury outfit had racked up the most likes, earning him the title and a hotel stay this year. “We also live like this at home, with an old-timer, and that even goes as far as a man cave from 1950”, said the proud winner.

Curious passers-by also soaked up the warm atmosphere of the free event. Colas or lemonades in retro bottles still kept the head fresh enough and hand-cut fries, baked in a typical American, aluminum trailer, satisfied the hunger. Young passers-by will undoubtedly also find a piece to unpack on the retro and vintage market. In summary, there is something for everyone at a festival that clicks with Wenduine in terms of scale and concept.

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