Retreat from FC Bayern? Uli Hoeneß becomes clear

Even with 71 years under his belt, Uli Hoeneß still has a huge influence at FC Bayern. The honorary president has not yet come up with a concrete plan for his withdrawal.

“I am still on the supervisory board of FC Bayern, which at the end of the day has to approve all important decisions. Due to the reorganization of the club that we carried out this year, Karl-Heinz Rummenigge and I have of course taken on additional tasks.” , Hoeneß described his current area of ​​activity in an interview with the “Tegernseer Stimme”.

At the same time, the long-standing success manager of the German industry leader made it clear that the status quo was “only a temporary matter”.

According to Hoeneß, FC Bayern is aiming to reorganize the management team in the not too distant future. “We have now installed a sports director, we will continue to try to find the board next year so that Karl-Heinz and I can withdraw a little,” revealed the club patron, who, according to his own statement, “is very important that the club is running”.

When asked about his personal perspective, Hoeneß kept all options open. “I don’t like the word pension that much because I believe that as long as you have all your wits together, you can always think along and give advice. I think it will be the case for a long time that our advice will be asked when it is needed will,” said the former professional.

Uli Hoeneß is still very close at FC Bayern

In the spring, when things were going haywire at FC Bayern at times, Hoeneß took on more responsibility internally and helped bring the club into calmer waters.

The 71-year-old still attends almost all of the Bundesliga team’s competitive games, and he also regularly cheers in the stands away from home. At the same time, Hoeneß continues to be a sought-after interview guest.
