Rethinking the Law Lawyers | News

Dr. Ana Laura Pedulla, How was Rethinking Law born?

Rethinking Law was born from an ideology, from a style in the way of practicing law, which without intention, became a legal services company.

After working for many years for large legal firms, I decided to become independent.

I must recognize that this experience is part of who I am as a professional; however, I always knew that to provide legal solutions, something extra is needed that goes beyond knowledge of the law itself.

What are the areas of Law to which the Firm is dedicated? Do you provide any other services?

At Rethinking Law we are dedicated to family law, inheritance and labor law.

In addition, we have agreements with other law firms dedicated to commercial, business and corporate law.

Due to the professional queries that began to reach me from colleagues, I launched personalized mentoring in order to provide them with support with their cases.

I am very excited because thanks to the recognition of my colleagues, I decided to put together the course “How to get started as a professional in family law”, which would be taught online, with a possible launch date for March 2024.

What are your differentials in the profession?

Without a doubt, the way to practice law.

I am one of those who believes that the best way to resolve our clients’ legal problems is not only to form a team with them, but also to understand that beyond the legal conflict there are human beings with different emotions. Deciphering these emotions helps me not only know how to treat those who consult me, but also choose the solution that best adapts to the stage of their conflict, since ultimately we work for them, and we owe it to them to try to be at least a minimum. the height of what they ask of us, and if we cannot, have the humility to step aside, because that also makes for good professional practice.

If you were starting over, what would you do differently?

I wouldn’t change anything, I believe that every step I took was necessary to create Rethinking Law. A more human, more empathetic Law implies personal self-knowledge, since you can hardly understand another without first nourishing yourself with your own self, that is the essence of Rethinking Law Lawyers.

Contact information:

Cell: 11-4193-0513

Email: [email protected]

Instagram: @abogadasrepensandoelderecho

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