Retention of 17 kilometers on the AP-7 to enter Barcelona

  • The Servei Català de Trànsit reports long queues of vehicles between Sant Celoni and La Roca del Vallès

The traffic back to Barcelona It is complicated this afternoon on most motorways and the main Catalan roads, especially on the AP-7, where seventeen kilometers of caravans have been registered between Sant Celoni and Roca del Vallès, as reported by the Servei Català de Trànsit.

On the same motorway, but in the south, there are four kilometers of retention in Vilafranca del Penedès and traffic intensity in Banyeres del Penedès and Subirats.

In the road N-340there are another three kilometers of caravans at the height of Castellet i la Gornal, heading north, another kilometer of retentions on the C-32, in Alella, going south, and 1.5 kilometers on the GI-600, to the height of Tordera, in a westerly direction.

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There are also four kilometers of caravans on the C-65, in Santa Cristina d’Aro, in the direction of Llagostera; three more kilometers on the N-II, as it passes through Tordera, heading south; another 1.5 kilometers on the C-33, in Montcada heading south.

Already in Barcelona, ​​there is heavy traffic on the Ronda de Dalt, between Meridiana and Vall d’Hebron, in the Llobregat direction.
