Results of the Primitiva for Saturday, November 5, 2022

Act at 22:08


Check the winning combination, the complementary number and the refund, as well as the Joker

The winning combination of the Primitiva draw held this Saturday November 5, 2022, has been made up of numbers 26, 16, 39, 40, 14 and 35. The complementary number is 44 and the refund, 1. Loterías y Apuestas del Estado will hold the next draw for the Primitiva on Monday.

In the draw of the Joker the chosen number has been the 3526664awarded with 1 million euros.

How to play Primitive?

To play in the Primitive, 6 different numbers are selected from a table between 1 and 49; the goal is to hit the winning combination in the corresponding draw on Thursday or Saturday, made up of 6 balls out of the 49 that are drawn from the drum, which is commonly known as the 6/49.

The single bet It costs one euro and up to eight bets can be accumulated per ticket, choosing the 6 numbers in each bet. The multiple bet allows you to play up to eleven numbers per bet. The greater the number of multiples, the greater your bet and your chances of winning. An extra ball is also drawn as a complementary number, and another ball from a separate drum, between 0 and 9, which acts as the number of refund. To win the biggest prize you have to match all 6 numbers plus the refund.

Can be played for one lottery (daily draw) or for the two draws of the week (weekly draw). With this last option you play Thursday and Saturday, having validated the bet before the draw on Thursday. You will have a prize if you match at least 3 numbers. The draws take place on Thursdays and Saturdays at 9:30 p.m.
