results of the municipal and regional

The PP would win the elections in Aragon

The PP would have won the regional elections in Aragon, with 37.1% of the votes and between 28 and 29 deputies (it currently has 16), as well as in the municipalities of the three capitals, where it would obtain 14 councilors in Zaragoza against to the 10 you have now; 11 or 12 in Huesca, where it now has 9, and between 9 and 10 in Teruel where it has 7. This is clear from the data of a survey commissioned by Forta and RTVE carried out by the company GAD-3. According to the survey, in the autonomous courts, which have a total of 67 deputies, the PP would obtain between 28 and 29 seats; the PSOE between 22 and 23 -now it is 24- and 28.1% of the votes; Vox would become the third most voted force with between 7 and 9 deputies, now it has 3, and 12.1% of the votes. Podemos would be the fourth most voted force, with 6% of the votes and between 2 and 3 deputies, compared to the 5 it has now. It would follow with 5.7% of the CHA votes, which would have between 2 and 3 deputies, now it has 3; and later IU, with 2.9% of the votes and a deputy that it would maintain. Aragón Existe with 2.6% of the votes would get two deputies and the PAR and Cs-Tu Aragón, with 2.1% and 1.3% of the votes, respectively, would not get any deputies. In the Zaragoza City Council, where there are 31 councilors, the PP would also win, which would obtain 14 councilors; followed by the PSOE with between 10 and 11 compared to 10 now; Vox would get 4 (now it has 2); between 1 and 2 would have Podemos, and between 0 and 2 ZeC. In the Huesca City Council (with 25 councillors), the PP would also win with between 11 and 12; followed by the PSOE that would lose one and keep 9, between 2 and 3 Vox would get 1, and they would have a mayor Podemos and CHA, who have 6 and 5, respectively. In the Teruel City Council (with 21 councillors) the PP would also win, with between 9 and 10 councillors, while the PSOE would lose one and keep 4; Teruel Existe would achieve between 5 and 6 councilors and Vox would go from one to two.
