Results of implementation tests for the recovery operation of childcare allowance to the House of Representatives | news item

News item | 03-06-2022 | 14:15

In recent months, a number of possible improvement measures for the recovery operation of the childcare allowance affair have been examined for feasibility. State Secretary De Vries of Finance (Customs and Allowances) sent the results of these implementation tests to the House of Representatives.

The possible improvement measures arose from the reassessment carried out by the national government together with the Association of Dutch Municipalities (VNG). The House of Representatives was informed in December about the outcome of this review. It was already clear then that no fundamental adjustments to the recovery process are possible. However, options have been explored to ensure that parents are better supported in their recovery.

More and earlier personal contact

The reassessment carried out in the autumn made it clear that parents need more recognition and connection in the recovery process. In recent months, implementation tests have been conducted to determine whether and how this is possible. The Implementing Organization for Recovery Allowances (UHT) has started working on this together with the municipalities.

State Secretary De Vries: “We see that parents have a greater need for personal contact. The improvements we are going to make will make the process more personal and more tailored to the needs of affected parents. In the meantime, we will continue to work on the recovery of all affected parents and we will continue to look for ways to improve the recovery process. We do this together with parents and municipalities.”

Municipalities support

Municipalities will be given the option to give priority to parents in distressing cases at UHT. UHT will also set up a team that municipalities can turn to with specific questions about assisting victims.

Municipalities will offer parents more personal support in going through the recovery process, if parents want it. For example, by going through the letters from UHT and SBN together and discussing their impact on their situation. Municipalities stand next to the parent. Together with municipalities, UHT will hold discussions with parents in the context of the integral assessment of their file (a three-way meeting).

The implementation tests have shown that it is not possible for municipalities to become the first point of contact for parents. To do this, the municipalities need to know when exactly it is a parent’s turn and this information is not available at the moment.

Further improvement measures recovery operation

A number of improvement measures have already been initiated. For example, people who have obviously not been affected by the allowance affair (for example because they do not have children or have never received childcare allowance) are given a shortened assessment process so that the process is concluded earlier.

In addition to the measures already mentioned, a number of other improvements are made to the recovery process, for example:

  • Parents receive better and more frequent information about what to expect in the recovery process.
  • The possibilities for an online parent portal are being investigated. In such a portal, parents can find personal information about their recovery process, for example about the current status.
  • There is more personal contact about the results of the first test and the next steps.
  • UHT will contact parents who have had the first test, but for whom the next contact moment is still further than three months away. The parent then receives information about the status of the personal recovery process. It is also examined whether the parent needs personal support from the municipality and there is room for answering any open questions.
  • Parents with several serious problems may qualify for a special program with intensive supervision. A dozen families are currently receiving this support.
  • Experienced parents are also deployed so that they can offer support to other victims. This is done, among other things, by the peer-to-peer line.
  • Many parents have indicated that they want to enter into a settlement agreement with the government to complete their financial recovery. In the short term, a practical trial will start with a small group of affected parents.
