Results 2023 general elections in Spain, live scrutiny: who is winning?

Politicians call to vote to have a “strong” government

In addition to the main candidates, presidents and general secretaries of political parties, regional presidents, ministers, mayors and authorities at all levels have gone to vote in the morning. Among them, the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, who hopes that things “change in Spain” after the elections. The president of Andalusia, Juanma Moreno, has appealed to citizens to “make space during the day” to vote, while the president of Catalonia, Pere Aragonès, has asked to “fill the ballot boxes with conviction” because “what we are at stake is a lot”. The president of the Generalitat Valenciana, Carlos Mazón, has assured that he has “good feelings” and has encouraged them to vote because Valencia “needs a Government of Spain” that “looks at it accordingly” and as the Valencians “deserve”.

For the lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, “today there is a lot at stake, both in the social and institutional model, and also with a view to the future”, for which he has encouraged them to vote, since the Basque Country “has a lot at stake” in these elections “both in the present of self-government and in its future development”. A vision that he shares with the head of the Bizkaia list for the PNV in Congress, Aitor Esteban, who has warned that the Basque Country “is at stake to be present and be taken into account”. Participation has also been encouraged by the President of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page; the president of the Junta de Extremadura, María Guardiola, or the president of Navarra and general secretary of the PSN, María Chivite. Less happy with the development of the day has been the president of Melilla, Juan José Imbroda (PP), who has accused the Government of “obstructing free voting” for changing the location of all the polling stations with respect to the municipal elections held “barely two months ago”.
