Result of municipal elections 2022 and waste referendum: this is how Zoetermeerders voted

The votes have been counted and the results of the municipal elections in Zoetermeer are known. With 13.2 percent, the VVD is the most popular party in our municipality. This week, 51,898 (52.3 percent) of Zoetermeer residents went to the polls.

LHN (List Hilbrand Nawijn) finished in second place, with 11.8 percent of the votes. The third place is shared by GroenLinks with 9 percent, and PDvZ (Party Democracy for Zoetermeer) with 9 percent of the vote.

The local parties in particular have emerged as the big winner, we read in the premium item on the AD Zoetermeer website. This probably has to do with the position on the new waste policy, which a number of local parties are strongly against.

Waste referendum

This week we were able to vote twice in Zoetermeer: ​​for the municipal elections and for the new waste policy. This included the paid collection of bulky waste, the introduction of container bins for plastic and the collection of residual waste only once a month. As Zoetermeerders, we could choose for or against this policy this week. After the election results, it turned out that most of the Zoetermeerders are against. This means that the waste policy will remain as it is for the time being and a new plan will have to be drawn up.

Local elections results in Zoetermeer

The map below shows a handy overview of the results in Zoetermeer. The figures come from the ANP news agency and mapped out by the data journalism platform LocalFocus. The map is of all of the Netherlands. Enter Zoetermeer in the search bar to see all local figures.

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