Restart collection of UWV, SVB, DUO integration department and municipalities | news item

News item | 05-07-2022 | 13:46

For people who register as possible victims of the childcare allowance affair, the public debts are paused upon registration. If people are duped, public debt is again paused, this time for a year. During that year, public creditors, including UWV, the SVB, municipalities and the DUO integration department, will not collect outstanding debts. Public debts that are resolved within the recovery operation are forgiven in the year by public creditors. The year starts when people have received the first compensation after a first test or during the integral assessment.

Since February 12, 2022, this so-called pause button has expired for a number of people. In December, these people received a letter from Recovery Operation Surcharges about what the expiration of the pause button means to them and they were informed about the restart of the recoveries that will not be waived by the creditors in the recovery operation.

The Employee Insurance Agency (UWV), the Social Insurance Bank (SVB) and the Civic Integration Department of the Education Executive Agency (DUO) will start collections in the near future on behalf of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment. All parties handle the collection carefully and personally. The starting point here is due care over time. Contact with the people involved starts with UWV and the SVB by telephone, taking into account the person’s circumstances. DUO/inburgering first sends a letter. For municipalities, a socially responsible collection with personal contact is the starting point. In all cases , we want to come to a suitable arrangement together with those involved .

The collection may concern:

  • People who have registered for the Surcharges recovery operation and who have definitively turned out not to have been duped.
  • Duped people with debts that are not forgiven (for example, debts that arose after the reference date of January 1, 2021 and do not refer to the period before January 1, 2021).

In all cases, the period of the voluntary pause button or the legal moratorium has ended.

Examples of outstanding debts

  • Outstanding debts with the SVB can relate to, for example, child benefit, survivor benefits or AOW.
  • Outstanding debts with UWV may relate to benefits received too much, for example an excess of WW or ZW benefits. People can call UWV for more information.
  • Outstanding debts at DUO can relate to, for example, loans for study or integration. For more information, see:
  • Outstanding debts with municipalities can relate to, for example, social assistance benefits or municipal taxes.

For more information about the pause button, see:
