Resistant, tweaked and selfs dodelijk

There is mold in front of a special shade and a large building of our own, according to the Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie (WHO). There will be some changes with one of the most likely growing molds, on the basis of a dodelicacy, spreading and opening. Bedoeling is specifically related to the problem in the development of new treatments and a boost is given.

Bij mold think velen wellicht in the first place aan een donzig vergeten etensrestje, mushrooms of a guilty ‘athlete vote’. Maar mold can wel degelijk doden. The reason for this is that the intention is that we never go ahead with the next steps to be made. A figure in Nature Microbiology says that in a year there are 300 million serious concerns and 1.6 million years. The mold meets for all people with additional requirements in a complicated immune system.

“It is a relevant sign from the WHO”, according to Hans Carolus, the resistance to mold at the KU Leuven site. “Het verhoogt de alertheid bij artsen, en maakt het makkelijker om geld voor broodnodig onderzoek vrij te maken.”

The number of available medicines against mold infections is known. “Steeds meer mold develops resistentie tegen éen of meerdere middleen”, says Carolus. Not all are allowed for financing to be considered for the development of new treatments. “In tegenstelling tot bacteriën zijn mold not as wij meercellig. What is wrong is for a mold, is also bad for men.”

Resistance is generally considered to be a problem with the mold Candida auris, which has priority over the WHO. “Tot 40 percent of the stalen blijkt resistant tegen twee van de drie eligible geneesmiddle classes, four percent tegen all three”, says Carolus. “In that case there is no treatment with a combination of mediums that is not more effective. An infection suffers from 30 tot 70 of the patients tot and overlijden.”

C. auris is heavy butig deur te krijgen eens hij in een ziekenhuis zijn intrede heeft gedaan. The mold can grow over all sorts of molds, from plastic tot linen. “Een ziekenhuis in Brooklyn most het vals plafond en de vloer uitbreken in a kamer van een overleden patiënt om van de mold after te geraken”, weet Carolus. “None of the multi-resistant ‘bacterial bacteria’ that cause problems is Candida auris the first real ‘bacterial mold’.”

In 2009, Japanse wetenschappers de mold for het first used het oor van a twenty-year-old lady. Sindia is hij overal ter wereld amet. In tegenstelling tot other molds comes Candida auris not from nature op of in ons lichaam voor. “A hypothesis is that the mold shouldn’t last during the period at high temperatures, it can be adjusted so that it springs up to the men’s height,” says Carolus.

Complications from Covid-19

In one country, dead dusver 7 besmettingen met C. auris vastgesteld. “In vijf went het om patiënten uit het Buitenland”, says Katrien Lagrou, who suffers from mold infections at the UZ Leuven at the national referentielaboratorium. “Maar in twee recente gevallen what he geen link met het Buitenland. You know it’s moldy, but that’s what you want on the ground.

Tot or else causes problems in our ziekenhuizen for Aspergillus fumigatus, a mold that occurs overall in nature and grows as spores. “The mold concerns voor complications from 1 op 5 patiënten, who belanded with griep op intensieve, and dubbed dan de kans op overlijden”, says Lagrou. “Hij also meets 15 percent of the Covid-19 patients op intensieve.”

Resistance to Aspergillus fumigatus is due to WHO onder sea te wijten aan het used van moldy middle in the landbouw. “Momenteel is less than tien percentage van de stalen in ons land resistent tegen de courante behandeling”, weet Lagrou. “Neemt dat percentage toe, then we really tremble in the problems. Het is dan also niets te vroeg dat here extra aandacht aan wordt bested”.
