Resignation? Vettel talks about his Formula 1 future

How long will the most successful German Formula 1 driver of all time, after record world champion Michael Schumacher, continue to drive? Speculations about Sebastian Vettel’s sporting future have increased recently, after he has been trailing behind in the world championship for the fourth season in a row. Now the ex-world champion himself has commented on his plans.

In an interview with “WTF1“: “I dont know! We will see. I haven’t decided yet.”

So far, there has obviously been no extension of the contract between Vettel and Aston Martin, which expires in 2022. The 34-year-old has been driving for the British racing team since last year.

In 28 races for Aston Martin so far, the German has finished on the podium once (second place in Baku 2021), otherwise he mostly ended up in the lower midfield of the Formula 1 field.

Vettel is the only one not active on social media

“I have to decide whether to continue or become a YouTuber or Instagramer,” added Vettel with a laugh when asked. He was ironic about the fact that he is now the only driver in the big Formula 1 circus who does not have his own social media channel.

He does show an interest in social media when he looks at the relevant apps on friends or colleagues. However, he still maintained the stance of enjoying not spending too much time in front of the smartphone.

Sebastian Vettel is now driving his 15th full season as a regular driver in Formula 1. In 2007 he made his debut in the BMW Sauber at the US Grand Prix. 15 years later, Vettel can look back on four world championships and 53 race wins. The last one was almost three years ago. It was the Singapore Grand Prix in September 2019, back then still in a Ferrari.
