Residents of the Cosis Emmermeer residential facility cuddling with ponies.

It is not an everyday sight, ponies in the building of the Cosis residential facility in Emmermeer.

These are so-called cuddly horses, which come especially to cuddle residents. “Something really happens when we enter,” says initiator Marja Hartman.

“The interaction with a horse is very different than with dogs that also visit our locations,” says Miranda Heerema of Cosis. “It’s very nice to see what it does to people.”

“Horses are also real emotional animals,” says Hartman. “The animal can touch a layer that we as humans cannot touch. The animal will always go to the person who needs it most at that moment.”

“A resident with autism said he would go upstairs when the ponies came, but he stayed with the horses all the time, which is great to see,” says Heerema. “That’s what we do it for.”

“We go everywhere,” says Hartman. “At schools, residential facilities, nursing homes and hospitals. It’s fun for everyone.”
