Residents of Hoogeveen are allowed to think about a new mayor

What type of mayor suits the municipality of Hoogeveen? And what qualities should the successor of Karel Loohuis possess? Hoogeveen residents can answer these questions in the search for a new mayor.

Until May 23, residents can make an online questionnaire to fill in. Paper questionnaires can also be completed in various places, such as in community and village halls, the library and at the town hall. The questionnaire will also be published in the Hoogeveensche Courant.

Hoogeveen residents can indicate whether they want an ‘enthusiastic innovator’ or a ‘stable factor’, whether the mayor should be formal or informal and whether the newcomer is strictly impartial or stands for something. It also contains two open questions, including the last question: ‘If you could show the mayor of Hoogeveen one place in the municipality, which place would it be and why?’

“We will process the results of the survey when drawing up the profile for the new mayor,” says chairman of the confidential committee Hilma Hooijer. “The mayor belongs to everyone. It is also logical that everyone should be able to think along.”

In addition to Municipal Interests party chairman Hooijer, the confidential committee consists of council members, each party has one delegate, except Forum for Democracy. That party is not behind the way the process is going. Alderman Jan Zwiers and municipal clerk Jeroen Mulder advise the committee.

Hoogeveen is looking for a new mayor because Karel Loohuis is leaving due to his age. He was reappointed as mayor in February, but it was already known then that the 64-year-old will not complete his third term. Loohuis has been allowed to wear the Hoogeveen chain of office since 2011.
