Residents ask for an approach to nuisance Rolderstraat Assen

Residents in the Rolderstraat want the municipality of Assen to do something about the nuisance in the street as quickly as possible. This is stated in letters that residents have sent to the municipality.

It concerns two letters from different residents in which they indicate that they experience a lot of nuisance from the (delivery) restaurants in the street. They are bothered by delivery vans that are parked incorrectly, drive on the bicycle path and stop in the middle of the road to load food. They also complain about screaming, honking, loud music and exhaust fumes from the running engines when the cars are waiting for a long time. The nuisance starts in the afternoon and continues well into the night. They say it has gotten worse in the last few months.

“The question that now arises among a large group of people who live in the Rolderstraat: why are the people who live there not listened to? Why do the delivery restaurants go for the residents of the Rolderstraat?” writes a resident in the letter. Another resident states: “What I and many local residents want is that, after years of nuisance, things are finally taken care of.”

Several residents and businesses recognize themselves in the nuisance. They do not dare to speak out publicly and only want to tell their story anonymously.*

For example, a woman says she takes a detour to her house because she does not feel that she can cycle safely through the street. Other people confirm that they often have to get off their bicycles because cars are parked incorrectly or are speeding on the street. A man says he no longer sits on his balcony and keeps the windows of his house closed because of the nuisance. Some of them endorse that they have been experiencing more distress lately.

The letter writers’ complaints are mainly aimed at the Hollywood grill room, a restaurant that was closed last May by Mayor Marco Out due to an incident involving a firearm. The grill room would first be closed for three months, but was allowed to open again after a month just before the TT week.

The owner of Hollywood does not recognize the complaints of the nuisance. He believes that these are the risks of living in the city. Another entrepreneur shares that view. She is disappointed that the street is so often negatively in the news and hopes that a solution can be found.

The grill room owner says six months ago that he received a complaint from one of the residents about parking on that person’s sidewalk. That never happened again, the owner said. “Delivery cars and scooters are not allowed to park next to the building. We have our own parking lot at the back of the Doevenkamp where we park the cars. Delivery people walk to the store and then take the order,” he explains.

The owner admits that during busy periods it sometimes happens that a delivery car stops for a while on the road in front of the building instead of in the designated parking lot. “Then they wait at the traffic light and we pass on the order and he drives on.”

Apart from that one complaint, the grill room has not received any direct complaints. The owner regrets that the letter writers did not go directly to him. He would therefore like to talk to the residents in order to find a solution together.

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