Residents and entrepreneurs want camera surveillance back in the Rolderstraat in Assen

Residents and entrepreneurs in Rolderstraat agree: the cameras in Asserstraat must be returned. They think that this way there is less nuisance and it gives them a safer feeling. This is evident from a tour of RTV Drenthe.

For years, the Rolderstraat has been known as a rotten tooth of the city with many violent incidents, drug trafficking and speeding traffic. At the end of 2019, cameras were therefore installed in the street to prevent nuisance. Almost two years later, the municipality decided to remove the cameras again, because the problems had largely disappeared. Residents and entrepreneurs already indicated that they were not happy with this.

Now, almost a year and a half after the disappearance of the cameras, the street is back to square one, according to some. Residents and entrepreneurs are again troubled by problems such as drug crime, speeding cars, loitering youth, illegal parking and noise nuisance in the evenings.

“Especially in the summers it is very bad. Then I sometimes even flee my house,” says one of the residents *. “The cameras must therefore come back, because they make me feel safer in the street.”

* The residents and entrepreneurs wish to remain anonymous. The names are known to the editors.
