Residents after explosion at game shop in Winschoten: ‘This is wrong. Your sense of security disappears

The city center of Winschoten is buzzing with stories about the three explosions that took place around a quarter past seven on Saturday.

This is wrong, say bystanders unanimously when they stand at the cordon on Langestraat. There, the police are investigating the game shop where the explosions took place.

“I live near Blauwestad but I woke up with a start,” says Yngwie Nuus. “Because of that huge bang, I don’t think about a Molotov cocktail. More like a fireworks bomb.”

Series of attacks

Nuus is concerned about the series of attacks in Winschoten. “Your sense of security disappears.” Nuus immediately went to take a look. “The owner of the store was standing outside the store crying.”

People live above the shops in the Langestraat. One of them is also standing at the cordon. He also complains about the increasing insecurity. “One of the shopkeepers has all kinds of cameras. He does have recordings. Two young men allegedly ran away.”

The owner said on Facebook that she was ‘intensely sad’. The store will remain closed at least on Saturday.
