Resident injured by explosive in mailbox in ‘normally so quiet’ Tuitjenhorn

In Tuitjenhorn, an explosive was thrown through a letterbox of a house last night. The resident suffered a scratch in the cheek from flying glass. The police speak of an unusual incident.

In a house on De Rainbow in Tuitjenhorn, a piece of lit fireworks was thrown through the mailbox last night. The resident was sitting in the living room when flying glass hit his face. The affected person has a cut in the cheek, but does not need to go to the hospital.

A lot of damage

“A lot of windows have been broken and the fireworks have made a hole in the roof of a parked car nearby,” the police said to NH. “A carport was also damaged. Tuitjenhorn is a very quiet village, where this is really not commonplace. This is rare in such quiet residential communities.”

At the moment it is being investigated what kind of fireworks it concerns. According to the police, it could be a cobra. Cobra is very heavy, illegal fireworks. “Based on many experiences, that could well be possible. But that is now being investigated.”

People from Forensic Investigation are investigating. The resident has filed a complaint.
