Resident groups happy with A8/A9 news: “Shame that this didn’t stop sooner”

The residents’ groups Keep Broekpolder Leefbaar and Busch en Dam are happy with Minister Harbers’ refusal to allocate money for the connection between the A8 and the A9. Nevertheless, there is caution: “We have been in the process for some time and we see that every time something is being thought up or they are trying something different.”

NH News

In December it was announced that the province opted for the so-called Golf course variant for the connection, straight through the Defense Line of Amsterdam via a sunken road. Cees van der Kolk of Houd Broekpolder told NH Nieuws that they are strongly opposed to Leefbaar and Willem Röling of residents’ group Busch and Dam: “We just don’t want another dump of particulate matter and noise pollution here.”

In the report below, the residents tell what they are afraid of. Text continues below the video.

Criticism of the province not silenced after proposed measures for the A8/A9 connection – NH Nieuws

De Groene Combinatie – a collection of nature organizations and residents’ groups – also strongly opposed the connection. Spokesperson Ilse Miedema is so enthusiastic about the news that she jumps on the wrong train while she is responding.

“The pendulums are going out, unbelievably good news for the Defense Line landscape that there is no money from the Rijks van de weg”, she says. “It was already known in 2013 that the central government was not co-financing. The province could have drawn the conclusion then. They did not do that. Now is the best time to draw it.”

Willem Röling of the Busch en Dam residents group also believes that the process has taken far too long: “We are nine years further, nothing has been resolved at Krommenie-Assendelft and, moreover, six million have been put into reports. I think it is a shame of provincial politics that this hasn’t stopped sooner.”

Living environment Krommenie, Assendelft and Heemskerk

There are also many proponents of extending the A8 to the A9. Take the VNO-NCW West business association, for example. A spokesperson points out that the current connection route via the N203 causes a lot of stress on the living environment of Krommenie, Assendelft and Heemskerk. “And the capacity will certainly become an increasing bottleneck in view of the planned housing construction.”

“The file has been running for 60 years and what is in the barrel does not sour”

Business association VNO-NCW West

The organization – just like the province – remains optimistic and calls for creative ways to continue the project and even suggests a toll charge. The spokesperson also says: “The fact that no commitment has now been made by the minister to financially support the connection road does not mean that this will not be done in the future. The file has been running for 60 years and what is in the barrel is not turning sour. “

Miedema of the Green Combination therefore clearly thinks differently. She believes that the file should be closed: “Province, put your heads together and dare to take this moment to pull the plug. Minister Harbers is very clear, he says: ‘we don’t put any money in it’. Province, do that now too.”

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