Researcher’s fierce book claim: Kurt Cobain was murdered

According to author Ian Halper, the iconic musician did not die by his own hand, but was murdered.

Kurt Cobain died when he was only 27 years old. PDO

The death of Nirvana frontman and iconic musician Kurt Cobain has come to the fore again. Cobain, who died on April 5, 1994 at the age of 27, has been publicly known to have committed suicide.

However, according to a recent book claim, Cobain was murdered by an outside perpetrator. Ian Halper, who investigated the matter, now wants to make public the information he received: when the musician died, he had more than 70 times the lethal amount of heroin in his body.

According to Halper, after such a large dose of heroin, it would have been almost impossible for Cobain to move the gun, let alone pull the trigger. In addition, Halper is suspicious of the last message left by the singer.

Two experts familiar with handwriting have studied Cobain’s letter and its handwriting samples, and have come to the conclusion that it was not entirely written by the musician himself.

– According to experts, the last five sentences were the ones that talked about suicide, but it did not have Cobain’s handwriting.

However, Halperin does not base his claims only on the letter, but also blames the coroner, who said that Cobain ended his own life. He says he was the only person who interviewed the coroner and thought it was special that there were posters of Nirvana and Cobain’s wife Courtney Love on the walls of the doctor’s room.

– The doctor claimed to have dated Courtney. In that regard, he acknowledged a conflict of interest arising from investigating Cobain’s cause of death, citing personal reasons.

Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain. PDO

The coroner in question died in a base jumping accident in 2002, but according to Halperin, the man had hinted before his death about how he should have refused to declare Cobain’s cause of death. According to Halperin, he had also told how he had possibly been “overbearing” regarding the cause of death.

Halperin’s fresh Case Closed: The Cobain Murder: The Killing And Cover Up of Kurt Cobain –in the book, the author tries to prove that it was not a suicide.

– I want young people to no longer follow Cobain’s way of committing suicide. In this case, it was definitely murder, Halperin continues.

Don’t be alone! Comprehensive support is available for mental health problems and suicidal thoughts. You can find information about support services by phone, online and face-to-face in this article.

Source: Mirror
