Researchers: CO2 emissions in Amsterdam reduced by 40 percent during lockdown

The lockdown during the corona crisis has reduced CO2 emissions in Amsterdam by 40 percent. That reports the university of Wageningen based on two international studies.

For one of the studies, measurements were taken on the roof of a hotel in the city center. The reduction in CO2 emissions was mainly due to less traffic. Many companies let their employees work from home instead of at the office. Shops and catering establishments also had to close their doors during part of the corona crisis. The lower number of tourists also played a role.

“Amsterdam was one of four cities where emissions remained low even after restrictions were lifted. The areas in these cities that were observed are characterized by a high number of tourists. During the pandemic, this number decreased significantly,” he said. Gert-Jan Steeneveld of the Meteorology and Air Quality chair group at Wageningen University & Research.

The researchers seem to suggest that a lockdown could be a means to combat climate change. According to the university, both studies are ‘very relevant in the context of the energy transition needed to achieve the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement’.
