Research: number of working from home hours doubled after corona years

The number of hours that people work from home has doubled compared to the situation before the corona pandemic. This is the conclusion of the Knowledge Institute for Mobility Policy (KiM) after research. In 2019 people still worked from home for an average of 3 hours a week, now it is 6.5 hours.

KiM provides information about mobility to the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management. Nearly 2000 respondents answered the institute’s questions about working from home in May. The respondents indicated that they expected to work from home on average about 6 hours a week in the future. So they think they will eventually go to the office a little more often than they did this spring.

Not everyone has started working from home anymore. The increase in the number of working hours at home is particularly visible among people with an office or management position, the highly educated and people who travel to work by public transport. About half of all respondents, who were surveyed several times between October 2019 and May 2022, say that they cannot work from home due to the nature of the work.

Just like before the pandemic, Tuesdays and Thursdays remain the days when people travel to work most often. Working people often still choose the same means of transport as before corona to get to work, but the bicycle has gained some popularity. According to the researchers, this is largely due to the popularity of the e-bike.
