Research into former gynecologist does not yield ‘new’ children

Research into former gynecologist Henk Nagel of the former Carolus Hospital in Den Bosch has revealed no other children of this doctor than the one child that was already known. This is reported by the Jeroen Bosch Hospital (JBZ), the successor to the Carolus. The doctor used his own semen to get patients pregnant without informing the intended parents.

Nagel died in May of this year, but still cooperated with the investigation.

“To date, one donor child has been matched to the former gynaecologist, this concerns the donor child who reported to the JHA in 2021. After the JHA’s appeal to donor children and parents with parentage questions to report, seven people have come forward. This resulted in no new matches,” the hospital writes.

The JHA previously reported that Nagel was the only doctor who was involved in artificial insemination at Carolus Hospital between 1977 and 1985. Until 2004, sperm donors were allowed to remain anonymous and there was hardly any legislation and control in this area. There is also often little administration of the treatments.

‘A matter of a different nature’
The special inquiry committee calls the case “of a different nature and scope than comparable cases in the country”. However, according to her, this ‘does not alter the fact that the actions of the former gynaecologist were incorrect from a medical ethical point of view and contrary to the applicable professional standards, even if this was due to his great involvement’.

During the investigation, Nagel stated that he had ‘the intention to help women through involvement’.

‘Went to work solo’
The Committee further concludes that Nagel ‘as was customary at the time, proceeded solo in fertility treatments and that there was little insight among colleagues into each other’s actions’.

Didi Braat, chair of the external inquiry committee, says: “Every case is different, but what is clear to me is that by working alone, doctors move faster over the boundaries of involvement.”

ALSO READ: Former gynecologist Nagel inseminated women with their own sperm: ‘I had to do something’
