Research: dead waterfowl near Maas infected with bird flu | 1Limburg

The dead waterfowl that were found earlier this month near the Maas near Baarlo and Kessel, have died of bird flu.

The municipality of Peel en Maas reports this on Thursday. Research into the cadavers shows that they were infected with bird flu. This is an infectious disease that affects poultry and other wild bird species.

Tour the area
There is a chance that more dead (water) birds will be found near the Meuse or in other places. That is why municipal field staff will make a round of the area twice a week in the coming period. When they find dead birds on municipal land, they clean up the carcasses. Businesses and home owners are responsible for removing a dead bird.

Report to NVWA
The municipality advises not to touch dead birds with bare hands. If more than three dead waterfowl or more than twenty other dead birds are found in one place, this must be reported to the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA). This is to prevent the spread of bird flu.

Also read: Dead birds at the Maas: bird flu may be the culprit
