Research at Ermerstrand holiday parks also possible at other parks

The investigation that the municipality of Coevorden, together with the police, conducted at the end of last month on holiday parks around Ermerstrand is also possible at other parks. That writes the King’s Commissioner Jetta Klijnsma.

At the end of March, the municipality and police were on the doorstep of three holiday parks at Ermerstrand. The aim was to get more information about the use of the chalets, cottages and mobile homes, and about the owners and residents. Several arrests were made during that investigation, including for possession of hard drugs and an outstanding prison sentence. The fact that the police turned out for the investigation was mainly for the safety of the municipal officials and the park residents, Klijnsma writes. The police carried out an identity check, all questions about the parks were asked by the municipal officials.

The SP group of the Drenthe parliament has asked questions about the investigation. The party is, among other things, curious as to why a ‘large-scale deployment’ of the police is required. Klijnsma replies that the deployment of the police, and of municipal officials, is determined by the number of chalets that are visited.

The municipality of Coevorden has commissioned the investigation. There was insufficient clarity in how the chalets and holiday homes are used. Klijnsma writes that this may also be investigated in other parks – not only in the municipality of Coevorden. “The municipalities have prioritized the parks they want to work with, depending on the information available about the park and habitation.”

The research showed that ‘many’ chalets are used for permanent living and that ‘many’ labor migrants live there. Coevorden has recently started discussions with the owners and residents of the parks. People who live there permanently illegally are given six months to move. The municipality offers support in this regard. There are also talks with employment agencies to see which legal forms of housing can be made possible for labor migrants.

In the end, an enforcement procedure will be started against all owners who live illegally or rent out their chalet for non-recreational purposes, if they do not heed the call, Klijnsma warns.
