Rescued dead Rayan, the 5-year-old boy who fell into a well in Morocco

The Moroccan emergency services have rescued this Saturday, after half past nine at night, Rayan’s lifeless body, the five-year-old boy who last Tuesday fell into a well in the village of Ighran, in northern Morocco. (This has been the tragic outcome of the rescue of the child, who died in a hole 32 meters deep).

outside the well, hundreds of people They have closely followed the rescue, some have traveled from distant towns to accompany Rayan’s family. At the moment in which the workers have managed to get the boy out of the hole they have broken into applause, but a few minutes later the news has been confirmed that the boy had lost his life and the country has been in ‘shock’.

According to a statement from the Royal House, Mohamed VI has called the parents de Rayan to convey his condolences, he also thanked the efforts of all the emergency teams that have worked around the clock since Tuesday to rescue the minor.

The well into which the boy fell is a few meters from his house and it is very narrow, at the end 20 centimeters. His father was working on repairing this hole and at the time Rayan fell into the well, it was uncovered, according to local media.

From the first moment, the rescue teams were activated and after several attempts to access the hole or widen it, they decided to make a parallel hole, first with excavators and the final part by hand. Landslides and stones have complicated and slowed down the work to access the interior of the well.

A rescue against the clock

From the first moment the rescue teams were activated. First they tried to access the hole, but they could not reach the boy, they also tried widen the duct, but it was not viable either due to the risk of detachment. Finally, they chose dig a hole parallel to the wellfirst with heavy machinery, the final part of the rescue is carried out by specialized operators.

During Friday there was a landslide in the conduit they were excavating and forced the team to secure the tunnel with large concrete pipes, a task that has slowed down the work. Also on Friday night, the workers encountered a large stone that blocked their way.

Throughout the rescue, the health team has followed Rayan closely thanks to a camera that was lowered into the well and you supplied sugar water and oxygen. According to local media, Friday was the last moment in which they registered a movement of the child, but in the last hours his health status was unknown.

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wave of solidarity

Social networks have become a tsunami of solidarity, thousands of messages from inside and outside the country that have sent strength to the family. The entire country has followed the rescue glued to the telephone and television.


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