Rescued a young woman alive 11 days after the earthquake in Turkey

The turkish lifeguards they have rescued one 17 year old this Thursday, 11 days later of the occurrence magnitude 7.8 earthquake that destroyed entire cities and left almost 40,000 dead in the southeast of Turkey and in Syria. Aleyna Olmez -whose last name, paradoxically, means ‘She who does not die’- was pulled from the rubble of a building that collapsed in the devastating earthquake.

“He seemed to be fine. He opened and closed his eyes,” he explained. ali akdogana miner who participated in the rescue efforts in kahramanmaras, a city near the epicenter of the earthquake. “We have been working here, in this building, for a week now. We came hoping to hear something,” he added.

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During the first hours after the quake, the hope of find survivors he was much older. Now, more than 250 hours later, any finding of life among the demolished buildings seems like a miracle. “We are happy when we find something alive, even if it is a cat,” Akdogan said. The girl’s uncle, present on stage, hugged all the rescuers one by one with tears in his eyes, telling them: “We will never forget you.”

Almost 40,000 deaths

After the rescue, the Turkish military has urged the media and locals to leave the scene, as rescue teams have begun to remove bodies from the rubble. According to the latest balances from the authorities and doctors, at least 36,187 people in Turkey and 3,688 in Syria died due to the earthquake on February 6 and its aftershocks, which brings the total balance confirmed to 39,875 deaths. Turkey has suspended rescue efforts in some regions and the Syrian government has taken the same measure in areas under its control.
